Village of Lima, NY

Welcome to the
Village of Lima, NY
News & Notices
Posted October 25, 2024
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that I, the undersigned Clerk and Treasurer of the Village of Lima, have received the Tax Roll and Warrant for the collection of taxes for the 2024-2025 fiscal year. From June 1st, 2024, through July 1st, 2024, Taxes will be collected without penalty at the Village office, 7329 East Main Street, Lima NY 14485 on Monday through Wednesday from 8:30am to 4pm, and Thursday from 8:30 am to 12pm, and 1pm to 6pm. There is also a drop box available 24/7 for payments.
On all such taxes remaining unpaid after July 1, 2024, five percent (5%) will be added for the first month and an additional one percent (1%) for each month or fraction thereafter, through and including September 1, 2024. On October 1, 2024, all remaining unpaid taxes will be turned over to the Livingston County Treasurer for collection and are subject to additional penalty.
Posted October 24, 2024
​Installation of Aerial Fiber Optic Cable – RFP Phase 2​​
The Village of Lima is seeking proposals from qualified contractors to complete Phase 2 of the proposed Village of Lima owned fiber optic telecommunications network. Phase 1 entailed the installation of underground conduit and splice enclosures, and placement of fiber optic cable and accessories along the following Village of Lima streets: Eastwood Circle, Eastwood Drive, Hogan Avenue, Kober Drive, Meadow View Drive, Parkside Place, and Rainbow Lane. Phase 2 entails the installation of aerial fiber optic cable. Phase 2 will include installation of approximately 50,500 feet of aerial fiber network. The complete contract specifications and project map for Phase 2 of this project may be downloaded using the links below.
Village of Lima NBRC Aerial RFP Doc (PDF)
Village of Lima NBRC Aerial Fiber Optic Utility Plan (PDF)
Aerial Temp & Perm Placement Prints (PDF)
Posted October 24, 2024
​Warning: Do Not Flush Wipes
With the increased use of disinfecting wipes, the Village Board would like to remind residents that no type of wipe should be flushed down the toilet, even those advertised as flush-able. Flushing wipes down the toilet greatly increases the chance of blockages forming in the sewer pipes that could cause sewage to backup into buildings.
Posted October 24, 2024
Welcome to the Village of Lima Website
It is our goal to provide easy access to information that will be helpful to residents and others who have an interest in our community. We also hope to encourage citizen input by providing an efficient way to communicate with Village officials and residents.
Here you will find contact info for your local officials, agendas and minutes for meetings of the Village Board, the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Appeals, information from Village Departments, news releases, public notices, and reference documents including Zoning Codes and Budgets.
Let us know how we can improve the usefulness of the website. Is there additional information that you would like to see posted? Can we make the site easier to use? Please e-mail us anytime at or call us during business hours at 585-624-2210.
John Skiptunas
Contact Us
7329 E. Main Street
Lima, New York 14485
Office Hours
Mon - Wed: 8:30am – 4pm
Thu: 12pm – 6pm
Fri: 8:30am – 12pm